Eranicus Wiki

Welcome to Erandium!

Hearthglen Hall
Heartglen Gate

The entire of Azeroth is in peril, Feignbar has murdered the Emperor of Artis Morticulo, Thorglir, and taken the title for himself, placing the blame upon the Order. Will Eranicus ever avenge Thorglir and redeem the Order? Will Feignbar be defeated and peace restored to Artis Morticulo? Will Swigs ever get over his midnight epilepsy? Will Awakes ever admit to his gnome fetish? And will JJay ever get asked in for coffee by his succubus?

Find out all this and more in Erandium!

Main Characters

Eranicus Awakes Gorosm Zania JJay
Swigs Trigs Xenorie Zwelgje Damith
Feignbar Drakorae White Whale Thorglir Awyndel